Monday, March 26, 2007

I hate this

Yesterday my friend B expressed his doubts that I really hate running giving the training that I am doing. I tried my best to reassure him that I did, but I'm not sure that he bought it. I wish he had been there for my 20 miler today. It was pure misery.

I don't enjoy any of my runs, even the short ones. At best they are unpleasant. Somewhere around eight miles they transfer to miserable, and over twelve or so they are into the unbearable zone. Every step after mile twelve is misery, and it is hard to keep the feet turning over.

Today's run started a little fast, but that's not why it was so bad. It was primarily bad because the first twelvish miles were into the wind, and slightly up hill. That was a bad way to start off. Then it was compounded by some pretty severe dehydration. It was around 80 today which is well warmer than we are used to up north here, and I was a bit dehydrated when the run started, but I didn't think too bad. I drank 32 ounces of Gatorade Endurance Formula during the run, which wasn't enough. By the end of the run I was about five pounds below my normal weight, while still wearing sweat-soaked shorts and a shirt! Not good. Not good at all.

Every step of every one of these runs has me questioning the wisdom of doing this race, and as of right now the only thing keeping me going is knowing how much shit I will get from all of you, my dear readers, if I don't do it. If I do the race I will likely never run another day again after that!

I hate running.


monkey's uncle e said...

I will definitely not think less of you if you just say "to hell with this running BS!!" and just pack it in. Running is for people who are late for something. But not if you are late for something 26 miles away. If you are that far away, ride your bike! Even if your tires are flat, you'll still make it quicker than if you run!
BTW I went ROWING today! But not 20 miles.

monkey's uncle e said...

Not to mention, dude, people take like, cars--or airplanes to go 143.2 miles. People don't run that far. Especially in America. Go buy yourself a big ol' gas-guzzling hunk of American steel to drive around. I mean, you're not going to try and run to Oak Ridge this week, are you?